Needless to say Mattie is getting bigger, running and now climbing on everything. She loves the pool and splashing in puddles. No talking yet, just babbling and pointing, but you can tell she is learning.
Summer wrapped up with the annual trip to Spearfish, SD for the Dakota Five-O. Evie ended up 4th on the Single Speed and I was 10th. Our first weekend away since Mattie was born and it sure was nice to sleep in past 5:30 am 🙂
A couple fall races on the calendar along with organizing the MBAA Enduro races in October and getting things setup for the 2022 MBAA XC season.
Hoping to remodel our master bath this fall depending on availability of materials. I suspect lots more bike rides with Mattie as well. She’s just tall enough to touch her feet on the Strider and loves her Shotgun bike seat!