Well fall has come and is nearly gone. We are already into the Christmas season. Going all the way back to Labor Day weekend we checked off another Dakota Five-O and then on the way back to Arizona I stopped in Colorado Springs to race the Pike’s Peak Apex, a 3-day stage race.
As soon as we got back it was full gas into putting on the MBAA Enduro season. We had 3 races this year Sunrise, Mingus and Hawes. Sprinkled between the 3 was lots of time spent at the pool with Mattie and day trips up to higher elevations to get in some fall colors.
I decided to race the Cave Creek Cactus Classic in the beginning of November, probably my favorite XC race in Arizona. It’s a relatively short (24-miles) with some pretty challenging rocky descents and climbs to boot. I finished 2nd.
With the enduro season over we are looking forward to the XC season in January with lots of behind the scenes planning with staff.
This year we’ll be heading to Mexico the week before Christmas with Evie’s family for a slightly different Christmas celebration, then back in AZ for Christmas day. Enjoy the photos.
Feliz Navidad!