December and January were pretty good months for playing in the snow. El Nino has brought cooler temperature with more precipitation to the Southwest which has been a lot of fun. It’s suppose to stick around all year so that should make for some great riding conditions come monsoon season in the late summer.
That being said, the 15-day forecast shows temperatures in the 50s and 60s so it’s pretty safe to say that the bulk of winter is over. I’m sure we’ll get a mid March or April storm with snow that melts off in a day or two, but otherwise it’s right into spring.
That’s how Arizona does seasons, not much transition time, or at least very little crummy shoulder seasons. You can always ski and/or ride just about any day of the year.
Evie has been skiing a lot, I’ve gone a handful of times (snowboarding) along with some really, really fun fat bike rides.
The snow is mostly melted in town, but the mountain still has a ton. Base miles have begun for mtb season along with a little bit of low intensity racing. Another rider moved to town from Boulder, a former pro who raced for Specialized in the 90s along with racing in Europe in his early years. We’ve got quite the group up along with the NICA kids that are flying!
MBAA Series
The Arizona Mtb series has started up and is already coming into it’s 3rd race. Luckily we have a marathon class which makes putting in some quality base miles relatively easy. Last year I joined the volunteer board as marketing director and this year I’ve been voted in as chair. The guys and gals before me have done an awesome job getting the right people in place to make sure things run smoothly so it’s been fun to be a part of.
I’ve got some bigger rides planned for later this month and more exploring will be had! The Sedona Mountain Bike Festival is the first weekend of March, no doubt that will be an awesome time, plus a lot of people coming down from colder climates to ride and hangout here and there. Arizona is a pretty exciting place! We’re pretty fortunate to live here.
Web Design Projects
Lastly, I’ve had a lot of new clients come way already this year. It’s always super fun working with business owners, uncovering problems, and coming up with solutions. You can check out my latest web design projects and if you or anyone you know needs website help or getting their business found online don’t hesitate to give me a shout.
Until next time!