It’s fortunate that the things we like to do don’t involve large crowds or being indoors. Aside from racing bikes, Evie, Mattie and I have been able to do a lot of what we normally would. Get outside, ride, hike, and explore.
For 4th of July we drove up to Spearfish, SD. It was pretty quiet, did some riding on the Five-O course and hiking to some caves around town.
My folks, sister and brother-in-law met us in Winter Park in July so they could see Mattie. We rented an AirBNB and spend the week relaxing.
On another trip to Winter Park Mattie, Evie, and I hiked Roger’s Pass up to about 12’200. There are a handful of fires in Colorado that are making for some really bad smoke.
Back in the Springs we’ve been doing some mountain biking with our nephew and the other two kids are enjoying having Mattie around.
Last Saturday I ran up Barr trail to the top of Pike’s Peak. 3-hrs 12-mins was my time. Evie, Connie and Mattie met me at the top so I didn’t have to walk down and now Mattie can say she’s been to the top of a 14er.
Enjoy the photos.

Love seeing sweet you & sweet beautiful Mattie Hazel! It’s so fun to see her already hiking & exploring the outdoors with Daddy & Mama!